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How To Identify And Get Rid Of A Mouse Infestation In Your Kansas City Business


Nothing disrupts the smooth running of a business like encountering a mice problem in your facility. It distracts your workforce and impairs their ability to carry out their duties, resulting in decreased productivity and low morale. 
Fortunately, Pinnacle Solutions delivers the most effective pest control in Kansas City to eradicate mice from your business location, keeping your operations running like a well-oiled machine. Our commercial specialists possess the most modern technology and the latest resources to quickly rid your facility of pesky pest problems. Read on to learn more about the chaos rodents can create at your business and how partnering with us will ensure their elimination.

Sure Signs Of A Mouse Infestation In Your Business

It doesn’t take long for mice to reveal themselves once they’ve invaded your facility. As quiet and shy as they try to be, it’s not uncommon to hear them scratching and squeaking from behind walls or in the ceilings overhead. They can scamper your duct system from one side of the building to the other. You may also smell an aroma similar to ammonia or stale urine. Accumulated mice droppings will eventually produce a foul odor. Mice like to rummage through cabinets, drawers, and pantries so that you may find tears and teeth marks on food packaging. For help keeping mice away, call a qualified pest control company for assistance.

The Many Risks Mice Create For Your Business

Have mice made it their mission to shop in your office or other commercial space? Their presence doesn’t just cause alarm if they’re spotted hurrying down the hallway. Even in hiding, these rodents can pose physical and health hazards that can cause a significant interruption in your daily operations. Mice can create a plethora of unpleasant problems, such as:

  • Leaving behind droppings that make your facility smell awful. 
  • Contaminating food, utensils, and eating surfaces in your lounge and break room areas. 
  • Chewing through the electrical wiring in your utility closets, potentially causing an outage or sparking a fire. 
  • Damaging office supplies, furniture, or workers’ personal belongings. 
  • Contributing to increased staff callouts and decreased productivity. 

Additionally, office workers can inhale the particles that mice urine and fecal matter produce, which can travel through office vents easily. They can also carry a variety of diseases such as hantavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), and tularemia. So, for the best way to get rid of mice, get in touch with Pinnacle Solutions today!

Procedures To Implement To Prevent Future Mouse Problems

Prevention is the key to thwarting any pest issue. Operating a safe facility for your staff is priority number one as a business owner. Ensure that all workers follow strict procedures, such as eating in designated areas only, wiping up crumbs and beverage spills immediately, throwing away trash in proper receptacles, and reporting any unusual signs or sightings of rodent activity soon as possible.

The Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Business

As a business owner, you have enough responsibilities to juggle daily. The last thing you must contend with is a mice infestation threatening an otherwise productive working environment. That’s why it’s imperative to seek professional commercial pest control services to help eradicate different types of mice at your facility.
Our expertly trained team of commercial specialists at Pinnacle Solutions understand the life force behind any business is the staff you employ. Without them, successful output ceases to exist. So, ensuring everyone who works or visits your location stays safe and healthy is essential. We provide the best pest control for mice that keeps your facility free of rodents so you can focus on what’s important - getting back to work. Let us help you by contacting us today to schedule your free consultation.