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How To Keep Spiders Away From Kansas City's Retirement Communities


Several species of spiders are common in the Kansas City area including black widows, brown recluses, wolf spiders, and jumping spiders. 

  • Black Widows: Are up to 1/ ½ of an inch long, have a shiny black body and a red or orange hourglass marking on the abdomen.
  • Brown Recluses: They are no bigger than ½ of an inch, have six pairs of eyes, and are light brown with a violin pattern on the cephalothorax and uniformly colored abdomen and legs.
  • Wolf Spiders: Average between ½ to 2 inches long with large eyes and are grey with brown and dark grey markings.
  • Jumping Spiders: lAre less than ½ of an inch long, brown to grey with light markings and have eight eyes with a large pair in the center of their face and smaller eyes on the cephalothorax. 

While all spiders have fangs and venom, only two are medically dangerous to people, the black widow and brown recluse. But still, spiders might not seem like a big deal, but the truth is, in a retirement community, they can pose more risks than in other living situations.

If you run a retirement community in Kansas City, you should understand the risk spiders on the property might pose to residents.

Dangerous Spiders And Retirement Communities

The dangerous spiders are less likely to make their way inside but still concern area retirement communities. Any spider infestation can cause significant problems for the sensitive residents of a retirement community. Many people living here may have weaker immune systems, which means they are more susceptible to the venom of all spiders rather than just the two that are known as medically dangerous in the United States. The same goes for people with pre-existing medical conditions, which is why spiders should not be tolerated in such a community.

Seeking medical attention for a spider bite can vary depending on the person, spider, and symptoms; if someone has been bitten by a black widow or brown recluse, they should seek medical attention.  

Spider Prevention And Retirement Communities

Spider prevention tips can be implemented throughout retirement communities and homes. The most important thing to do is to identify and seal up potential entry points. You can do this by:

  • Inspecting the structure for cracks and then seal them with caulk.
  • Make sure screens, weather stripping, and door sweeps are not damaged and are working properly.

When it comes to spiders, they find their way inside because they are following food, which is usually other insects called pest prey. Make sure there are no water leaks on the property, reduce all clutter and debris, and remove access to any food sources.

Because prevention is not always 100%, you should consider calling in the professionals, mainly because residents in retirement communities are at a higher risk when it comes to spiders.

Professional Pest Control And Retirement Communities

The best way to keep spiders and their pest prey out of sensitive retirement communities is with ongoing professional assistance. If you manage a retirement community in the Kansas City area, you should contact Pinnacle Solutions. Our experts specialize in commercial properties like retirement communities, which are more complex to treat than residential properties.

With Pinnacle Solutions, you can be assured that your tenants live in a pest-free environment, keeping everyone safe and healthy from the harmful effects of pests like spiders. Give us a call today to learn more about our commercial pest control services and how we can help you in Kansas City.